Thursday, June 30, 2011

સવાયા ગામીત_Fr. Raymund Chauhan SJ

Rev. Fr. Raymund Chauhan SJ
ગયા રવિવારે તા. ૨૬-૦૬-૨૦૧૧ ના રોજ ફા. રેમંડ  ચૌહાણે જાતે લખેલ "ડાંગી ભાષાનું વ્યાકરણ" નું લોકાર્પણ શામગહાન , સાપુતારામાં કર્યું. દક્ષીણ ગુજરાતમાં ડાંગ જીલ્લામાં સેવા આપતા સર્વ સન્યસ્ત વર્ગ હાજર રહ્યો હતો. ચાર ડાંગી રાજાઓના હસ્તે આ પુસ્તક નું લોકાર્પણ કરવામાં આવ્યું હતું. સ્કુલના  બાળકો, દુર દુર થી સંખ્યાબંધ  ઉમટેલા આદિવાસી લોકો અને મહેમાનોએ આ પ્રસંગ ને રંગતભર્યો  બનાવ્યો હતો. આદિવાસી નૃત્ય અને કથા અને બાળકોએ કરેલ કાર્યક્રમોએ લોકોને મનોરંજન પૂરું પાડ્યું હતું. આદિવાસી સંસ્કૃતી અને ફા. રાય્મુન્દે લખેલ પુસ્તકોનું  આ પ્રસંગે પ્રદર્શન દ્વારા રજુ કરવામાં આવેલ.  આ પ્રસંગને સફળ બનાવવામાં ફા ઇસ્વાન ગામીતનો મહત્વનો ફાળો રહ્યો હતો.

ફા. રેમંડ  વિષે જો લખવાનું શરૂ  કરીએ તો ઘણું બહુ લખી શકાય. અહી બધુજ લખવા કરતા વીડિઓ દ્વારા તેમના મુખેથીજ તેમની આ પ્રસંગ ની લાગણી અને આનંદ સાંભળવી ઉત્તમ રહેશે. એમના વિષે વધુ જાણવા માટે વીડિઓ ઉપર ક્લિક કરશો

 ફા. રેમંડ  ચૌહાણ એસ. જે.  આપણા પોતીકા તો ખરાજ પણ  સાથે સાથે તેઓ એક કવિ ,એક લેખક, એક સંગીતકાર અને  ગુજરાતની ધર્મસભામાં એક તારલા સમાન છે, હાલમાં કીર્તન સાગરમાં ગવાતા  ઉત્તમ ભજનો  જેવા કે , હે કરુણા ના ભંડાર, ઇસુ ઇસુ બોલો પ્રભુ પ્રભુ બોલો વગેરે અને  સ્વર અને ગીત રચના  આપણને  આપેલ છે તેમના વિષે વધુ માહિતી માટે નીચે વાંચશો.

તમારા પ્રતિભાવો ફા. રેમંડ  ચૌહાણને મોકલી આપવામાં આવશે.
About the Author

Fr. Raymund Chauhan sj was born on 13th September, 1955, in Ahmedabad. He studied English Literature in St. Xavier’s College, Ahmedabad from 1974-1977. Thereafter, in order to prepare himself for priesthood in the Catholic Church, he underwent a prolonged formation in the Society of Jesus. He receieved this formation in Ahmedabad, Pune, Delhi.

Languages and Music are his favourite subjects. In his own mother tongue Gujarati, Fr. Raymund composed many hymns. He also musically composed new melodies to the already existing hymns or
poems. What surprises is that he has composed many more hymns in both Gamit and Dangi Languages. The Gamits and the Dangis sing and dance these hymns.

Ever since 1988 Fr. Raymund Chauhan sj has been engaged in his varied apostolates and working intimately with and for the tribals of South Gujarat such as Vasavas, Chaudharis, Kokanas and Dangis.

There is a confluence of language, music and religion in his life as a Jesuit Priest.

He is a scholar in Gamit Language. It was he who wrote the Grammar of Gamit Language of the Gamit tribe of South Gujarat. He is known as the Gamit Scholar to the students, reserachers and scholars of tribal culture, the tribals themselves especially the Gamits.

On 26th of June, 2011, his first book on “ડાંગી  ભાષાનું  વ્યાકરણ” (Grammar of Dangi Language) was  released.

Thus being the son of the soil, a Jesuit Priest, and a  Catholic Missionary, Fr. Raymund Chauhan sj has written the grammars of two different tribal languages – Gamit and Dangi.

1 . ગામીત   વિધિ   અને   ગામીત  લગ્ન  Gito   ( Gamit Marriage Rite and Gamit
Marriage Songs )

This book contains, as it is self-explanatory, the Marriage Rite of the Gamit Tribe as practiced by them for centuries. It is a well thought-out system of marriage having each stage of marriage well
planned, spaced out and worked out with details, roles of the elders, the family members, the bride and the bride groom spelled out.

There is almost a volcanic irruption of marriage songs which are sung according to each stage of marriage. Full of gusto, zeal, the simple songs are full of life and message, along with fun, advice, the rites, the time, the welcome and farewell, the jest and dig etc.

All these songs, over 200 and so,  have been recorded into 7 audio cassettes – sung by the Gamit women themselves. This was published in 1994, from Unai, Jivan Jyot.
2       સૃષ્ટિ  ગાન સંગ્રહ   ( A Collection of the songs of Creation )

This book is published with a view to preserving, appreciating and spreading tribal culture of the Gamit Tribe, South Gujarat.

This book has 3 parts :

Part One : deals with prayers and rites  Common Catholic Prayers

       Prayers on the feast of Catholic Church
       Prayers on general events
       Prayers on Tribals feasts
       Way of the cross
       The birth rite – on the fifth day of the child-birth
       Baptism
       Marriage Rite
       Funeral and Creamation rite
       Post death rite

Part Two : deals with the experiement of Eucharist in Gamit Culture and Language

Part Three :    deals with the bhajans composed both word and tune, by
the tribals, priests etc.

This book was published in the year, April, 1995, from Unai.

3       ગામીત  ભાષાનું  વ્યાકરણ  (Grammar of Gamit Language)

The book explains the Gamit Language and grammar. It also has chapters
on theie Gamit Proverbs, riddles, idiomatic expressions, expressions
for various diseases, thematic and useful vocabulary.

This book was published in the year 1997, from Mandal, Catholic Church.

This book received “The best book award”, under grammar section, from
the Gaujarat Sahitya Academy on 09.01.1999, at Ahmedabad
4       ગામીત  દંતકથાઓ  (Gamit Myths)

There are altogether 20 myths narrated by elders of different
villages. I have edited them a bit. The     peculiar feature of this
book is that it is simultaneously   translated into Gujarati and
English languges. Thus it   is a tri-lingual publication. At the
moment the National Sahitya Academy, Delhi, brought out this book in
Gamit and Gujarati. It will bring out the English edition later. This
book was published in the year 2002.

5       ગીતાહા  જોરો  (A spring of songs – Psalms)
All 150 psalms have been translated into Gamit and set to Gamit
Singable and Danceable traditional tunes.
This book was published in the year 2000.

6       તપઋતુ   અને  પવિત્ર  અઠવાડિયા  (Lent and Holy Week) Published in the
year 2003. This book deals with the Lenten season and holy week
ceremonies in Gamit. With the passion song and exultet translated into
singable and danceable tune.

7       હોળીનો  તહેવાર  અને  હોળીના  ગીતો, ગામીત  જાતિના  વિશિષ્ઠ  સંદર્ભમાં
: ( The feast of Holi and the Songs of Holi in reference to Gamit
At the moment he is working on this book. It deals with the Gamit
feasts, Gamit religious world, the songs sung before and during the
feast of Holi. Of course this will be a biligual book.

Information collected from
Fr. Raymund Chauhan sj

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6 Add comments:

  1. Hello Raymond, Congrates for all your good work.
    Hasmukh Mecwan, Gandhinagar.

  2. Congratulations to Father Raymund for the Grammer book of Gamit...and also thanks to Father Ishwan and the Team members of BBN...Vicky Macwan.

  3. wonderful, we are proud of you fr. Raymond. Congratulations for your remarkable work. It speaks volumes about your commitment to the Adivasis.

    thanks to the BBN. you are doing impossible things. Thanks to the Lord.

    and yes, Romika, you are a very good speaker, keep it up. Congrats to fr Ishwan too.

    fr. vinay,sj.

  4. jesuits are meant to do impossible things and you have done it father congratulation

  5. This is a historical achievement. very good work father.may God bless you

  6. Magnificant Channel

    whats up??

    loved that video you uploaded today.

    simon T


Thank you and stay connected