Friday, June 17, 2011

TRINITY SUNDAY (A) – 19 June 2011

TRINITY SUNDAY (A) – 19 June 2011


John 3, 16-18

José Antonio Pagola - translated By Rev. Fr. Valentine de Souza SJ (Vyara)

Rev. Fr. Valentine de Souza SJ
It is not always easy for us Christians to relate to the Mystery of God whom we know as the Trinity, in a concrete, lively manner. The religious crisis, however, calls upon us more than ever to foster a personal, healthy, gratifying relationship with him. Jesus, the Mystery of God made flesh in the Prophet of Galilee, is the best starting point to rekindle a simple faith.

   How do we relate to the Father? Jesus teaches us two basic attitudes. Firstly, with total trust. The Father is good. He loves us unconditionally. Nothing matters to him more than our welfare. We can trust in him without fear, suspicion, calculation, or intrigue. To live is to trust in Love as the ultimate mystery beyond all reality.

   Secondly, with unconditional docility. It is good to live mindful of the will of the Father, for he wants only a more dignified  life for all. There is no more right and healthy way to live. This is the secret motivating force of those who live with the mystery of reality prompted by faith in a God who is a Father.

   How do we relate to the incarnate Son of God? First, follow Jesus: know him, believe in him, empathize with him, learn to live following his footsteps. See life as he saw it; treat people as he treated them; sow signs of goodness and creative freedom as he did; live by making life more humane. This is the way God lived when he became a man. There is no other way for a Christian to live life with passion.

   Secondly, collaborate with the Project of God that Jesus began following the will of the Father. We cannot remain passive. God wants to see those who weep, laugh; those who hunger, he wants to see filled. We have to change things so that life becomes life for all. This Project which Jesus calls “the Kingdom of God”, is the framework, the orientation and the horizon placed before us coming from the ultimate mystery of God to make life more compassionate.

   How do we live animated by the Holy Spirit? Firstly, live animated by the love which courses through the life span of Jesus. What is important is to live with love, inspired by love. Nothing is more important. Love is the power that gives meaning, truth, and hope to our existence. It is love that saves us from so many shameful deeds, errors, and miseries.

   Finally, those who live “anointed by the Spirit of God”, feel sent in a special way to announce the Good News to the poor. Their lives become a liberating force for those in captivity, a light for those in darkness, a gift for those in misery.

Rekindle the Christian Faith in God

Source: URL of José Antonio Pagola's Buenas Noticias Web site

Website for Spanish original and translations:   Jose Antonio Pagola, , San Sebastian, Guipuzcoa, Spain.
English Transation by  (Valentine) Vally de Souza S.J.,   Mandal, Gujarat , India.

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