Sunday, December 4, 2011

Spanish Missionary passes away_Fr. Joseph L. Lopetegui SJ

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Fr. Joseph L. Lopetegui sj passed away yesterday in Anklav. the funeral was at 4:00 pm in Ankalv Church.
He was born and brought up in Spain near Loyola. Having desire to die for Christ, he joined the Society Of Jesus and came to India on 04-02-1949. Completed his studies in Pune. Joined as a teacher at St. Xaiver's School, Gamdi-Anand. There was a time to close down the Khambhat mission. But to try out it was then given to Fr. Joseph and today the same flourishes as a vibrant church in Gujarat. The zeal never stopped him to spread the Love and Word of Christ. He was again transferred to Anklav in eighties and till 04-12-2011 he belonged to the Anklav parish and the Jesuit Community. By birth a Spaniard, By work a Jesuit Missionary and  died as a Man for all.     

Late Fr. Joseph L. Lopetegui SJ 
The clergy and the people of the village and cities nearby Anklav, places like South Gujarat, North Gujarat  were present at the Church. Rev. Bishop Thomas Macwan (Ahmedabad Dio)  Rev. Bishop Godfrey Rosario SJ (Baroda Dio)  Retired Rev Bishop Of Baroda Dio Rev Bishop Francis Braganza SJ,  Rev. Fr. Changnacherry SJ the Provincial of the Society Of Jesus(Guj) celebrated the Holy Mass.Arch Bishop Stany also joined the funeral. The youth of Anklav and Khambhat said that Fr. Joseph was their shepherd and guide And without him would be a great loss for the Mother Church and future generation.

Please refer the video for more

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14 Add comments:

  1. I Sr,Mayuri is very much in contact with Rev,Fr.Lopetegui.Today i got the news about his death.He was the person of Christ and always he was with the Lord and His people. I pray for his soul.He is physically away from us but he is always with us in Spirit.I belive that he will surly pray for us his children.We Thank Jesus for giving us such a good person.IWe too need to pray for his soul.Let us keep him in our prayer.Thank you Vijay

  2. Dear Sir,
    I appreciate and congratulate the splendid job done by BBN and it's team by covering the important news and happenings of the Catholic Church in Gujarat. However, I wish to make one suggestion. Kindly request your camera man to shoot from a reasonable distance so that not only he but others who also intend to take photographs are not obstructed. Yesterday at the funeral of Fr.Lopetegui, your cameraman was always in the front and because of which I who was officially asked by the fathers to cover the entire event had great difficulty in taking snaps. I hope this point will be taken care in future.
    Wishing you all the best for your endeavours.

    Shreyas Michael
    Commission for Social Communications-Exe.Member
    Diocese of Baroda.

  3. Hello,
    Good day!

    I am very sorry for the passing away of our dear missionary fr. Lopetegui.
    He was a saintly man who loved the poor and did for them his best.
    From his place of eternal life and peace, may he continue to accompany
    our people in their struggle for a better tomorrow and in their life of faith.
    S. Philo chalil.

  4. Regarding the Suggestion of Shreyas Michael

    Dear Shreyas Michael.

    Will do needful for the same

    Appreciating your suggestion

    Vijay Macwan
    A Bridge Between Christ And People

  5. May his soul rest in peace

  6. Thank you vijay.I could not attend his funeral but i saw the video .I m in south at present.

  7. Dear Friends in Christ,

    Sad to know the death of Fr. Lopetegui. I just visited him in the hospital some time ago. Thank you for passing this news to me. I pray All Mighty God may reward him eternal peace. Fr. Rakesh Macwan

  8. Kindly mention your name while giving suggestions and ideas or one can write the same to my email id. Will appreciate such communication.


  9. "It is great loss to Anklav parishners, specially young boys-girls and youth, as they are beneficiaries of his helping hand support for study, job set-up or marriage settings and afterwards settling-up therein by housing or vehicle arrangements, as Fr.William remarked. He was helping hand of individuals more than benefactor of structure or institutions. Thank you, Fr.Lopetegui for your generosity to my community of Anklav Parish."

    - Raman Makwana

  10. May his soul rest in peace

    In Maninagar
    Punruthan ni Prabhate fari malisu..:'(

  12. Aikkarakanayil Augustine JoseJanuary 3, 2012 at 4:45 PM

    It is painful to hear the sad news . This Spanish priest had dedicated his whole life for the Church in Gujarat. I join all fellow Catholics in praying for his soul. MAY LORD JESUS CHRIST REST HIS SOUL IN PEACE.


Thank you and stay connected