Thursday, February 13, 2014

A Leadership Camp was held at Loyola Training Centre, Nadiad

A Leadership Camp was held at Loyola Training Centre, Nadiad for the English Course and Front Office Management students and the Pilar candidates on February 7 and 8. The Theme was, “Service before Self.” The course was organised by Rev. Fr. Aubrey Fernandes sj, Rev Bro. Mathew Fernandes sj, Sr. Deena Parmar and Rinku Madam. The resourse persons were Rev. Fr. Charlie Dias sj, Mr George Fernandes and Mr. Francis Lobo. 34 students participated.

On 7, February, after a short prayer, Fr. Charlie tested the language skills of the students. He used a series of puzzles and games to make the testing interesting and enjoyable.The students came out in flying colours. By the evening The leadership training started. The students enumerated the qualities of a good leader and prepared a leadership suitcase which they decided to carry with them wherever they went.

An interesting game was, ‘Win As Much As You Can.’ Through this game the students, who were in four groups, learned that total trust in each one in the group is the only way to win in life. Through the game, ’Broken Squares,’ the group learned how co-operation is necessary for any group to make progress. ‘ Rumour Mongering,’ taught the students that proper communication and listening is necessary for any group process.

The students also prepared resumes to help them to apply for jobs in the future.

The camp ended with a grand programme in which the students put up what they had learned during the camp. There were four speeches by Jennifer Malbari, Pradeep Choudhari, Rekha Kokni and Priyanka Kokni. Prakash Choudhari, Monika Varghese and Nibedita Singh declaimed passages. All did very well. The group also put up a skit, ‘The Colours of Friendship’ which ended with a beautiful rainbow dance.The group sang the song,’We can Achieve’. Sr. Silvanti Kujur, the Superior of the Pilar candidate house, was the chief guest and gave away the prizes.

The ‘Best Boy’ and ‘Best Girl, awards went to Prakash Choudhari and Sharon Wesley. Pradeep Vasava and Nibedita Singh bagged the ‘Most Promising’ boy and girl awards.

The organizers thank Rev. Fr. Charlie and his team for conducting this enjoyable and successful camp.

- Sr. Deena Parmar

Special Thanks to Rev. Fr. Aubrey Fernandes and Loyola Parivar - Nadiad

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