Friday, February 12, 2010

The Lost Bird.

Are we aware of nature and its creatures? We are so busy, even we are not worried about the nature. The nature itself is leaving us. we are sprawling many beautiful creatures of the world which are created by God. One of them
is Chakli(house sparrow).

This is the bird Chakli (house sparrow).By looking at the Chakli it reminds us a lot many stories of it like the famous “Chaklo ane Chakli ni vaarta”. The bird which used stay with human being, the bird which used to wake up us by its “chi chi chi” is now rarely found. The vibrant sound “chi chi chi” is now no more found in our life.

The Chakli story was before said by grandfather and grandmother in our family. It was used to make children happy. The same lost Chakli today makes us realize that we are sprawling the nature.

Save nature save earth.

- Vijay Macwan(Bhumel)

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2 Add comments:

  1. Nice one Vijaybhai.. Even we all are missing this Bird, which were sitting around my house lowby and windows...

  2. Very Well Written and Explained Sir..Very important message given in the article.



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