Tuesday, February 9, 2010


The goal of writing about misunderstanding is to make you aware of things that we are doing in our day to day life that might be pushing our friends, spouse, and children and God further and further away from us.

There are various reasons like Social conflicts often involve some misunderstanding. Normal interaction may involve faulty communication. When two people are in misunderstanding or conflict; they often make negative assumptions about others. There is one more reason of misunderstanding. With our busy lives, we sometimes get so caught up with the kids, jobs or other activities that we don't spend enough quality time with our friends and family. If you are not sure what quality time means to your family or friends, need to be clarified with them. For some it may be sitting together watching movies, for others this may require eliminating outside distractions like TV's or other media. If the above said reasons are not served, they are going to create misunderstanding. These are the few reasons lead to misunderstanding and conflicts to make us lesser human.

If you look closely at the biggest issues in your friendship or marriage life right now.Misunderstanding and conflicts become a chain of anger which never breaks. For example, you had misunderstanding with your Boss, and boss gets angry with you. Since he is Boss you can not shout at him but the same you do it at the people who are in lower position than yours. And the same chain again starts by the people whom you have shouted at and they continue the same to people of their lower positions.The chain of misunderstanding and anger never breaks and it travels through human society. The chain never breaks but it breaks the relationship with your family and friends and God.

To avoid misunderstanding and conflicts one need to take initiative to clarify it in friendly manner. In order to stay connected with our God and family and friends let us break the chain.

Can’t we avoid or clarify the misunderstanding?

-Vijay Macwan(Bhumel)

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2 Add comments:

  1. Especially I like chain of boss to lower position employee article

    Very Nice


  2. Yes, we can avoid it by breaking the chain which is mentioned in the article.

    Let's try more people read this article



Thank you and stay connected