Saturday, August 9, 2014

BOOK LAUNCH “Federalism in India: Towards a Fresh Balance of Power“

BOOK LAUNCH function organized by CCD
Photo courtesy: FB of Fr. Lancy Lobo

    In the presence of intellectuals, social activists and eminent retired college professors Lord Bhikhu Parekh on 7th Aug evening released “Federalism in India: Towards a Fresh Balance of Power“, a learned book prepared by CCD (Center for Culture and Development) under the able guidance of Dr.(Fr) Lancy Lobo, S.J. The book contains articles by eminent scholars who throw light on the federal structure of our government. The venue was the VasviK Auditorium on the Race Course, Vadodara. The auditorium was packed to capacity with very distinguished personalities from different branches of sciences. After releasing the book Lord Bhikhu Parekh kept the audience spell bound for nearly an hour, offering valuable insights in the federal structure of our government that has eminently succeeded in ruling a nation consisting of multiple variety: cultural, ethnic, linguistic and religious. As he lauded our federal structure he also made the audience aware of the dangers that may destroy the healthy characteristic of our democracy and lead the nation to the doom our neighboring countries are sunk in. He also reminded us of our duty, as responsible citizens, to oppose vigorously any such moves by the extremists. 

At the beginning Fr. Lancy Lobo welcomed Lord Bhikhu Parekh and the invitees and also informed them about the activities as well as the function of CCD; Fr. Provincial, Francis Parmar, monitored the question hour that followed Lord Bhikhu Parekh’s speech and we, the few Jesuits who attended the function, returned home feeling extremely proud of the Jesuit intellectual apostolate carried out through CCD. 

By William Macwan, S.J.

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1 Add comments:

  1. Dear Fr Lancy
    It is real and practical Good News proclaimed. WOW
    Francis Bruno


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