Saturday, August 16, 2014

Suppression of the Society & its restoration

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Suppression of the Society & its restoration

 In my humble opinion, the main reason behind the suppression of the Society of Jesus was that it (i.e. the Jesuits) was a disturbing element everywhere in the society around. They were as we would say now a days: ‘whistle-blowers’. It was because of this that they were inviting trouble, opposition and persecution, which by the way, according to St Ignatius, is the sure sign that the Society is moving in the right direction.
 There was hardly a day in Gandhiji’s life when he was not involved in any ‘satyagraha’, small or big. Unfortunately, his followers, the Gandhians abandoned his ‘sangharshatmak’ activities (satyagrahas) and opted for ‘rachnatmak’ (non-disturbing) activities. As a result they have now become sterile and totally ineffective.

 The Jesuits in India while they are reflecting now on this historic event in order to derive some fruit from it have much to learn from this. They should find out whether they are also disturbing elements or simply carrying out their myriad charitable activities (‘rachnatmak’) peacefully without, causing any disturbance anywhere. At least a dozen whistle blowers have been murdered by now proving that whistle-blowing is very effective! There is a vast scope for us to be ‘whistle-blowers’ in the country plagued by wide spread corruption and other evils whose first and immediate victims are the poor and the marginalized. 

Recently the Govt has decided to amend the ‘The Land Acquisition Act’ which will mostly benefit the corporate and deprive the poor of their daily bread. Have the Jesuits any role to play here? Then there are other issues that also adversely affect the poor and the marginalized: The oppressive caste system, untouchability, gender discrimination; money and muscle power during elections etc.  Have we any role to play here?

 We are very much aware of the power of the media, especially its role in creating public opinion. There is no dirth of media gadgets with us. For what are we using them? And do we make use of our own media centres as well as that of secular media for this? What is our role regarding the implementation of RTI, RTE and RTF, which are very powerful means to better the lot of the poor and the marginalized?

William Macwan, S.J.     ASHADEEP, Vidyanagar (Gujarat)

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4 Add comments:

  1. Dear hearts, the role of all us Catholics is to call for a Catholic state (in which the wonderful culture attendant to the Faith can function--no castes, no discrimination, no exploitation, a true Catholic economy, all of which is possible and functioned in Europe up to the protestant rebellion). Vatican II gave up our right to a Catholic state, but we always had it before. We convert people both to a system of belief and a system of governance. And that is the only way. And for it many people will die. But it is India's only hope. And Europe's too, and the United States, too. The whole world must follow Christ. That is what the gospel says. The false ecumensim since the Council has disarmed us!

  2. Dear hearts, the role of all us Catholics is to call for a Catholic state (in which the wonderful culture attendant to the Faith can function--no castes, no discrimination, no exploitation, a true Catholic economy, all of which is possible and functioned in Europe up to the protestant rebellion). Vatican II gave up our right to a Catholic state, but we always had it before. We convert people both to a system of belief and a system of governance. And that is the only way. And for it many people will die. But it is India's only hope. And Europe's too, and the United States, too. The whole world must follow Christ. That is what the gospel says. The false ecumensim since the Council has disarmed us!

  3. Dear Jesuits, you have done wondeful activities in Gujarat. You have educated out community and there is no doubt at all, We have father Heredaro in our village. his presense itself is blessing for us. May God bless you. Dear Fr. Vijay Kudos !!! great interview thanks a lot > Nilesh

  4. Dear vijay mecwan,
    Thanks first of all for your BBN. Bcuse all informative news comes through bbn.
    Regarding to put an end / re-establishment it is a great task. To enter in mainstream in politics we should have back up which means through that we get enough votes, we dont have that calculative resources.
    We are only o.2 per cent comunity. With that we have to perform with the support of prominent resources *nd that can become our monopoly. We are having in our hands is TIME.Use the time properly we can achive any goals stic up with one idea miracles will takes place.


Thank you and stay connected