SFPY (St. Francis Parish Youth Group) organized an Environmental Awareness program yesterday 18-08-2014 at St. Xavier Church Gamdi - Anand.
Rt. Bishop Thomas Macwan visited the exhibition prepared by the youth. A lot of people bought the plants to grow the green world. The activity was a message for better green world for better rain, better environment.
O Maa Mariyam Bhajan - Bible Adhiveshan at Dadhvada
Bible Adhiveshan, Dadhvada
Please click on the video for one of the Mother Mary bhajans which helped people to pray to God.
Bible Adhiveshan was organized on the Year of Faith in Dadhvada, South Guja…Read More
Bible Adhiveshan - Gamdi- Anand
ચરોતર પંથકમાં આણંદ ખાતે તા 15 ના રોજ બાઈબલ અધિવેશનનું ભવ્ય આયોજન કરવામાં આવ્યું હતું. આ પ્રસંગે અમદાવાદ ધર્મપ્રાંતના ધર્માધ્યક્ષ રેવ. બિશપ થોમસ મેકવાન દ્વારા મહાખ્રિસ્તયજ્ઞ અર્પણ કરી બાઈબલ અધિવેશન…Read More
Bharat Natyam - આરંગેત્રલ (ભારત નાટ્યમ) નો પદવી સંભારંભ
From Left: Shikha and Chandani
Please click on the video
Facebook users, please click the below given link for more photos
Photos Of Bharat Natyam - St. Mary's School, Nadiad
ગઈ કાલે સાંજે સેન્ટ…Read More
Photo : Google
John 18, 32-37
Pilate then went back inside the palace, summoned Jesus and asked him, “Are you the king of the Jews?” “Is that your own idea,” Jesus asked, “or did …Read More
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Keep growing grenery all around. Clean and green Around our residence.good. Make it practical to every one. Bravo. Congrates