Monday, August 4, 2014

RIP - Gregorianbhai - Father Of Fr. Tulsi

Gregorianbhai Raymundbhai Dabh from Fagni- Petlad. Father Of Fr. Tulsi (Ahmedabad Diocese ) died on 02-08-2014 evening. The Funeral was at Fagni on 03-08-2014. he was 100 years and 30 days old, he was a catechist and serving catholic church in Petlad villages. He was also a leader for St. Joseph Mandad in Fagni.

Fr. Tulsi thanks each and every one who prayed for the family and were present for the funeral.

May his soul rest in peace.

Please click for more photos

- Vijay BBN

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2 Add comments:

  1. Dear fr Tulsi
    More than 100 yrs he remined among in our smaj. You are the master peice. of God. And that is the gift from your dad to our church.
    Francis Bruno.

  2. Dear fr Tulsi
    More than 100 yrs he remined among in our smaj. You are the master peice. of God. And that is the gift from your dad to our church.
    Francis Bruno.


Thank you and stay connected