Tuesday, August 12, 2014

The Holy Father Pope Francis has appealed to the Church to pray for peace in Iraq - Rt. Bishop Thomas Macwan

Rt. Bishop Thomas Macwan
Dear all

Greetings and prayerful wishes from Our Rt. Bishop Thomas Macwan

 The Holy Father Pope Francis has appealed to the Church to pray for peace in Iraq. Our Rt. Bishop has received an email from Vatican forwarded by CBCI to all the Bishops of India. Pope Francis has asked all the clergy and people to pray for peace during every Mass and remember them in our personal prayers. 

Let us ask Mother Mary, the Queen Of Peace to intervene and bring peace through the devotion of the Rosary. 

Rt. Bishop Thomas Macwan
Diocese Of Ahmedabad

Pope Francis Tweets:
Please take a moment today to pray for all those who have been forced from their homes in Iraq...................Violence is not conquered by violence. Lord, send us the gift of peace.

1) An appeal to all families: when you say your prayers, remember all those forced from their homes in Iraq.

2) The news coming from Iraq pains me. Lord, teach us to live in solidarity with all those who suffer.

3) Those driven from their homes in Iraq depend on us. I ask all to pray, and for those who are able, to give material assistance.

4) I ask all Catholic parishes and communities to offer a special prayer this weekend for Iraqi Christians.

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2 Add comments:

  1. Lordship,
    I do acept the apeal I do remember in my daily prayer.
    Francis Bruno

  2. Our prayers from Mexico for all catholics and minorities in Iraq and the world. Jesús Pelayo and family


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