Friday, August 1, 2014

The Gujarat Jesuit Brother’s Meet 2014

The Gujarat Jesuit Brother’s Meet 
The Gujarat Jesuit Brothers at Jeevan Darshan Meet
We Jesuit brothers of the Gujarat province had a fruitful get together at Jeevan Darshan - Baroda, on 26th July 2014. There were 14 brothers out of 15 present for the gathering. There was an hour of power point presentation on the suppression and the restoration of the Society Of Jesus presented by Bro. Jobin and Bro. Sandesh. Special thanks to both of them for the enriching information. After the presentation we had Eucharist celebration offered by Rev. Fr. Jitu. It was a wonderful time to see all the brothers of the province together after a long time. A vote of thanks to all the brothers for giving their valuable time. There was a spirit of Magis in all of them.

Our gratitude to Rev. Fr. Raj,  Rev. Bro. Malcom, Rev. Bro. Agnelo, Rev.Fr. Jitu and the Jivan Darshan community for their edifying hospitality.

- Rev. Bro. Alpesh S.J.

More photos of the Meet 2014

Photos By Bro. Sanjay

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2 Add comments:

  1. congratulations to all my dear Brothers. Bravo !!!

  2. Dear Rev Brothers SJ
    Congrates Brothers elderly brothers need our love and care especialy Br Aneri, Br Mrtines,Br Paul, Br Pravin FalcoSJ
    I shall contribute my time with my little prayers to Our Lord for all the Brothers.
    Francis Bruno MEMHC


Thank you and stay connected