Friday, January 31, 2014

Thousands of people participated in Adivasi Adikar Rally.

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Thousands of people participated in Adivasi Adikar Rally.

They were not brought by agents and enticed by false promises!  
They came on their own, dancing and singing...went back enriched, empowered and feeling proud of being adivasis, the original inhabitants of the place.

Photo - BBN
Jai Adivasi Maha Sangh (JAMS), is a people’s organization initiated by Rajpipla Social Service Society to empower the adivasis in Gujarat. It is spread over 1200 villages of eight districts of Gujarat  with a total membership of over 65,000 people. JAMS organized a 14 days motor cycle Rally, Adivasi Adhikaar Zhumbesh (Tribal Rights Rally) from 16th January to 29th January 2014 to create awareness among the adivasis about their fundamental and constitutional rights and to give them relevant informations that would help them to develop themselves. The rally started from Devmogra village in Sagbara Taluka with the blessings of Yahmogi (Adivasi  Kul Devi) and went through the villages of Sagbara, Dediapada, Netrang, Valia, Jhagedia, Nandod and Tilakwada Talukas in Narmada and Bharuch Districts and ended in Vanji village (Kevadia Area) in Nandod Taluka. The rally covered about 480 villages. It travelled about 1180 kms and conducted over 30 public meetings. Tribal rights awareness that was created and the  discussions during the meetings took place on the following points:
Photo - BBN
Ø      Lack of implementation of the Forest Rights Act 2006 and the Gujarat High Court Judgement of 3rd May 2013.
Ø      Right To Food (RTF) Bill 2013, PDS and other government welfare schemes.
Ø      Kevadia Area Development Authority (KADA), Viyar Dam and proposed Tourism development in Kevadia Area that would displace over 70 vililages and affect the culture, morality and peace of the adivasi community living there
Ø      Problems and results of changing the original name of the adivasi community and  adding  words like ''hindu''  (Hindu-Vasava) or “koli” (koli Rathwa) to the name of the  adivasi community  in school leaving certificates and Jaatino Dakhlo (caste certificate) in Tribal areas.
Ø      Non implementation reservation in government jobs.
Ø      Right To Information (RTI) Act.
Ø      11 months contract basis appointments of Tribals in government jobs.
Ø      38 years old criteria for APL, BPL card finalization and demand for the
Ø      Gramsabhas to be given the right to decide these categories.
Ø       Mahatma Gandhi National Rural Employment Guarantee Act and its present situation in adivasi areas
Ø      Information, understanding and the Non-implementation of PESA Act in Vth scheduled areas.
Ø      Demanding irrigation facilities for the Tribal farmers of the dam affected reas from Ukai, Narmada and Karjan Dams.
Ø      Waste of enormous amount of money for the so called  ‘Unity statue’ and questioning the appropriateness of building such a gigantic statue when the adivas villages have no facilities for drinking water, electricity, roads, hospitals and other basic facilities. However, if at all a statue is bult it ahould be of  Birsha Munda statue instead of Sardar Patel in Kevadia Area.
Ø      Explanations and information about Jai Adivasi Maha Sangh.

At the end, a memorandum was prepared and submitted to Taluka authorities and the Gujarat Governor for further course of action.

Every day there were two meetings in the central villages and people from nearby villages joined in the rally and the meetings in big numbers. Every night there was a drama programme which gave entertainments and also created awareness about the adivasi situation and the need to understand the different Laws and  Acts. These drama programmes were centre of attraction aand added tot he number of participants.
Photo - BBN
It is estimated that the rally contacted almost 100,000 or more people through this   The adivasi Rights Rally received good responses from the people at the grass root level. The village people welcomed and took the rally to their village from the outskirt of the respective villages with traditional tribal musical instruments, dance and punja rites. The village people made all the necessary arrangements for the meetings and fed all the people who participated in the meetings. It is worth noting that all those who joined the rally .came with their own contribution at the local level. Besides these, people contributed Rs. 19040/- to the success of Tribal Right Rally in lok falo peti (people's contribution box) during the meetings.


Rev. Fr. Xavier
 ભરૂચ અને નર્મદા જીલ્લાના આદિવાસીઓના વિવિધ પ્રશ્નો અંગે મોટર સાઈકલ રેલીનું આયોજન તા 16 જાન્યુઆરીથી 29 જાન્યુઆરી સુધી જય આદિવાસી મહાસંઘ- રાજપીપળા (જે 75 હાજર સભ્યો ધરાવે છે) તેના દ્વારા કરવામાં આવ્યું હતું.

રેવ. ફા. ઝેવિયર મંજુરન  અને રેવ. ફા જોન
કેનેડીના સાથ સહકાર અને મહેનતથી આ રેલીને મોટો પ્રતિસાદ અને આવકાર મળ્યો હતો.

Rev. Fr. John Kennedy

આ પ્રસંગના ફોટા જોવા માટે નીચે લિંક ઉપર ક્લિક કરશો. Please click the link for more photos.


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9 Add comments:

  1. congratulations dear fathers, keep up, wonderful work you are doing. May God bless you all

  2. Jai adivasi Jago adivasi

  3. Ashvinbhai Nanabhai

    Jor se bolo Jai adivasi yeh desh hamara hai or water, land , forest hamara hai ..........

  4. Raman Budher

    jago adivasi jago ..

  5. Kiran Kunvar

    Jay Adivasi bhio.......!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  6. Rahul Vasava

    Jay Adivasi

  7. Sandhya Dwivedi

    jaago Adivasi..........


  8. Dear Friends,
    We are the original dwellers of this country. And it is our birthright to be treated respectfully and justly by the power-that-be. I am with you in heart and spirit. Jay Adivasi.

    Fr. Raymund Chauhan

  9. Dear Fr Xavier
    The founder of tarunoday mandal, Asha deep.
    Great journy
    Francis Bruno


Thank you and stay connected