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Monday, March 31, 2014

Katkuva Medo - A religious get together at Katkuva-Dadhvada

Please watch the video of Katkuva Shrine Katkuva Medo - A religious get together at Katkuva-Dadhvada Vedanamurtu Mata Mariyam-Katkuva   Katkuva is a village in Dadhvada Parish in South Gujarat. It is surrounded by hills and trees in jungle. On the top of the hill a small chapel...

Monday, March 24, 2014

LOKOTSAV-2014 by St.Xavier’s Social Service Society- Ahmedabad

 On 8th March 2014 St.Xavier’s Social Service Society had celebrated Lokotsav with special focus on International Women Day this year on Xavier Loyola School’s camps in the presence of chief guests Mrs. Leela Ankoliya, Chairperson, Gujarat State Commission for Women; guests honor Prof. Mrs....

Saturday, March 22, 2014

At ease with God - Third Sunday in Lent (A) 23 March 2014

At ease with God José Antonio Pagola Translated by Rev. Fr. Valentine de Souza  It’s a charming scene. Tired from the journey, Jesus is sitting at the well of Jacob. Soon a woman arrives to draw water. She belongs to a semi-pagan people, despised by the Jews. Quite spontaneously Jesus begins...

Thursday, March 20, 2014

સંત જોસેફ દેવાલય-ઉત્તરસંડા, નવા દેવાલયનું ઉદ્ધઘાટન

ઉત્તરસંડામાં તા. 19-03-2014ના રોજ નવા બંધાયેલ દેવાલયનું ઉદ્ધઘાટન ગરબાની રમઝટ, ભજનો અને નૃત્ય સાથે સરઘસ તથા આનંદ ઉલ્લાસથી ઉજવાયું.  આ પ્રસંગે ઉત્તરસંડા ખ્રિસ્તી સમુદાયમાં સર્વના ચહેરા ઉપર ભારે આનંદ અને ઉલ્લાસ જોવા મળતો હતો. સંત જોસેફના તહેવાર નિમિત્તે રેવ બીશપ થોમસ મેકવાન (અમદાવાદ ધર્મપ્રાંત )...

Death Note: Bhanuben Prafulbhai Parmar

Death Note Bhanuben Prafulbhai Parmar from Bank Colony, Gamdi- Anand died on 19-03-2014. The funeral was today on 20-03-2014 in Gamdi graveyard. The prayer service will be on 23-03-2014 at Community Hall, Catholic Church, Gamdi-Anand News By Jayanti Parmar  BBN Bhumel Broadcasting...

Wednesday, March 19, 2014

Good bye Fr. V. Susaimanickam

Please click     Funeral Photos Part -1 Funeral Mass Photos Fr. V. Susaimanickam  (02.01.1968 - 16.3.2014)  Rev. Fr. Susaimanikam was born on 02.01.1968 to Mr. Vedhamuttu and Mrs. Mariammal at Thinaikulam of Ramnadu District in Tamilnadu. He was...

Monday, March 17, 2014

Sad demise - Fr. Susaimanickam died on 16-03-2013

Fr. Susaimanickam is no more!   He was the parish priest of Tarapur. Bishop Thomas Macwan contacted me and informed that Fr. Susaimanickam passed away on Sunday at 9.30. p.m. due to a massive heart attack. He was playing in a volley-ball tournament at Nar village with Tarapur youth...

મહિલા સંગઠન અને પ્રેષીતિક કાર્યનું આયોજન

મહિલા સંગઠન અને પ્રેષીતિક કાર્યનું આયોજન  રવિવારના રોજ નડિયાદમાં કરવામાં આવ્યું હતું  Please click More Photos રવિવારે તા 16-03-2014 ના રોજ Pastoral Centre - Nadiad ખાતે મહિલા સંગઠન અને પ્રેષીતિક  કાર્ય માટે પાંચ સો અમદાવાદ ધર્મપ્રાંતમાંથી બહેનો એક મંચ ઉપર ઉપસ્થિત રહ્યા...

Sunday, March 16, 2014

Sr. Prasannadevi - 40 years of her hermit life in Girnar forest

Please click for the celebration of her 40 years of hermit life at Junaghad-Gujarat. Recorded on 13-March-2013 On 1st of Jan 1974, hearing God's call, Sr. Anne arrived the first time in Gujarat. She travelled all the way from south to west just to attain what she was called for . Sr. Anne...

Friday, March 14, 2014

Late Ms. Maria Dolores – A Lay Leader with a Difference!

Late Ms. Maria Dolores – A Lay Leader with a Difference! Introduction Recently I received an email from Fr. Albert Arrufat Prades, Frater’s intercontinental prelate. The message was this: “We have the bad news: Our intercontinental coordinator, Maria Dolores Vazquez, deceased last 22 February,...

Wednesday, March 12, 2014

Life Of Sr. Anita LD by Sr. Mary Dabhi

" Death is not the end of life  but it is always an event of glorification of  a person as well as the Creator of the person."   Sr. Anita belonged to the 'Little Daughters of St. Francis Xavier.' Congregation.She joined the congregation in the year 1971, June...

Tuesday, March 11, 2014

ગુજરાત ઇસુસંઘના પ્રાંતપતિ રેવ. ફા. ફ્રાન્સિસ પરમારનું સન્માન

ડાબી બાજુથી : તંત્રીશ્રી થોમસ પરમાર અને પ્રાંતપતિ રેવ. ફા ફ્રાન્સિસ પરમાર    ગત રવિવારે ગામડી-આણંદ ખાતે દૂત તંત્રી મંડળની મીટીંગનું આયોજન કરવામાં આવ્યું હતું, આ સમયે  ગુજરાત ઇસુસંઘના પ્રાંતપતિ  રેવ. ફા. ફ્રાન્સિસ પરમારનું સન્માન કરવામાં આવ્યું હતું. મીટીંગ દરમ્યાન...

International Women's Day celebrated at Borsad and Balasinor

8th March 2014 Borsad and Balasinor International Women's Day celebrated at Borsad by Stree Chetna Sangh and Ashadeep Human Development Centre  - VV Nagar The women of Borsad taulka flocked to celebrate the International Women's Day. The Stree Chtena Sangh and Ashadeep Human Development...

Rest In Peace

BBN  Bhumel Broadcasting Networ...

Oratory Day 9th March 2014

DRISTI Don Bosco organised the Oratory Day (Children's gathering) at Don Bosco, Kapadvanj. More than 180 children from ten villages of Kapadvanj Block participated in the event. Ms. Neela Pandiya (the Social worker) was the chief guest for the programme. Please click More Photo...

Funeral Of Sr. Anita LD

The detailed news will be published soon on BBN. please stay tuned for news and updates  Please click for  Funeral Photos BB...

Sunday, March 9, 2014

International women's Day celebration - Don Bosco-Dakor

Women's Day Celebrated at Don Bosco - Dakor Please click for the photos Women's Day Photos Please download  SARAL fonts-if not able to view the report. Maihlaidnno Aheval ta. Ð mI macR ÊÈÉÌ -   ta. Ð mI macR ÊÈÉÌ na roj DonboSko Dakor qate mihlaidnnI ]jv`I krvama> AavI....

Coming soon

This Lent. Coming soon. stay tuned  ...

Friday, March 7, 2014

Our Big Temptation - First Sunday in Lent (A) 9 March 2014

Our Big Temptation - Matthew 4: 1-11 José Antonio Pagola Translated By Rev. Fr. Valentine de Souza The scene of “the temptations of Jesus” is not a story we have to interpret lightly. The temptations described for us are not properly speaking of the moral order. The story warns us that...

Lent Is Spring - Rev. Fr. Vinayak Jadav

Kindly pause the backgroung music in above Ad photo and play the below given video અહી રજુ કરેલ બોધ "તપ ઋતુ" DVD બિ.બિ.એન. દ્વારા ગત વર્ષે રિલીઝ કરવામાં આવી હતી તેનો એક ભાગરૂપ છે.  ...

Thursday, March 6, 2014

ભસ્મ બુધવારનો બોધ - Ash Wednesday Sermon By Rt. Bishop Thomas Macwan

ભસ્મ બુધવારનો બોધ - Ash Wednesday Sermon By Rt. Bishop Thomas Macwan.  Please click on the video. This was recorded in March 2011. BBN - Bhumel Broadcasting Network&nbs...