Monday, March 17, 2014

Sad demise - Fr. Susaimanickam died on 16-03-2013

Fr. Susaimanickam is no more! 

 He was the parish priest of Tarapur. Bishop Thomas Macwan contacted me and informed that Fr. Susaimanickam passed away on Sunday at 9.30. p.m. due to a massive heart attack. He was playing in a volley-ball tournament at Nar village with Tarapur youth at Around 9.30 p.m. he fell on the ground and in a few moments he was no more...

 I can't believe that he is no more! I spoke to him for more than 30 minutes on Saturday. He had asked me to come down to Tarapur to offer mass for his parishioners and take them out on a picnic and feed the whole parish. I gladly accepted his invitation. He was a kind of priest who always dedicated his life to the people, a man of great commitment, a man of great simplicity with full of missionary spirit and vision to help everyone and in particular those who are less fortunate.

 He had asked me on Saturday whether I could help some more college going youth for their education! I promised him and now he is no more!

 Dear Fr. Susai, you have touched the hearts so many people by your simple and dedicated life. I love you very dearly and salute you for what you have been to so many people and personally to me and to the people of Tarapur!

 May his soul rest in peace! May God reward him for his goodness and transfigure him so that he may enjoy his true homeland, heaven!

By Rev. Fr. Justin Thiraviam

Please click on the video of Fr. Susaimanickam when he was alive

The funeral is at 11:00 am on 18-03-2014, 
will be available on BBN soon


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6 Add comments:

  1. i was shocked to read the news of Fr. Susai. He was a Spirit filled person and lived for the people.
    May his soul rest in peace.

  2. It was sad to learn about the death of Fr. Susai manikkam.
    He was a man for others in the name of Jesus. May God be with his family members, friends and parishners and console them. and May his soul rest in peace.

  3. we r anxiously waiting for that video .
    misss u

    frm-Happy Chauhan.
    st.joseph church

  4. ruban we belive he is in heaven with jesus thanks every one who was pray for FR SUSAI

  5. Thanks a lot Vijaybhai for your whole day dedicated service on my request. Especially i conguratulate you and appriciate for making the Gujarati Catholic Curch histroy ever green. All the more i should mention your exellent work of the vedio clip edited with the gam song of Late Mr. Jagjith Singh. May The Departed soul of Fr Soosai bless you and pray for you in Heaven

  6. May his dream one day be fulfilled by a suitable sucesser


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