Monday, March 24, 2014

LOKOTSAV-2014 by St.Xavier’s Social Service Society- Ahmedabad

 On 8th March 2014 St.Xavier’s Social Service Society had celebrated Lokotsav with special focus on International Women Day this year on Xavier Loyola School’s camps in the presence of chief guests Mrs. Leela Ankoliya, Chairperson, Gujarat State Commission for Women; guests honor Prof. Mrs. Anjan Christian, Additional Secretary, Gujarat State Commission for Women and Mrs. Shaileja Pillai, Advocate, H.C. These high ranking women officials were felicited with shawls and flowers by Fr. Rajeev SJ, director of SXSSS. 

 Out of 2300 marginalized people 1600 women from 35 slum pockets of various backgrounds participated in the event. Along with women, number of men, youth, children who added cheerful flavor in the celebration through different theme based entertainment programs. It was an unforgettable experience that the ‘multitude performing issue based skits, songs, kavvali, garbo, bhajans on one platform and having agape together after the program keeping aside their caste, religion, culture or language or barriers.’ The creative intervention of SXSSS staff with the skit on “Right to Rehabitation-Houseing” for the first time, presented the recent havoc of government machinery of evicting slums under the pretext of “slum free city project.” 

 It was praised by many and SXSSS is in the process of performing the same skit as a street play in all its 35-45areas of work. For the first in their life the slum women performed a skit, “Ajadi Garib Mahilana Najre” It has become the talk of the town in all the slum areas and other women are waiting for the next program so that they may get opportunity to become actors or actresses in the drama at least.

News and Photos - St. Xavier’s Social Service Society - Ahmedabad.

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