Friday, March 7, 2014

Lent Is Spring - Rev. Fr. Vinayak Jadav

Kindly pause the backgroung music in above Ad photo and play the below given video

અહી રજુ કરેલ બોધ "તપ ઋતુ" DVD બિ.બિ.એન. દ્વારા ગત વર્ષે રિલીઝ કરવામાં આવી હતી તેનો એક ભાગરૂપ છે. 

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5 Add comments:

  1. nice one father, just beautiful, you always bring new message to mankind. thank you for it

  2. thank you for uploading this lenten message, it is really nice

  3. we are going to use this for our lent talk. credit will be given to BBN. thank you

  4. really sir you are doing such good job

  5. Very nice father. Give some more sermon like this. Its really nice. Aava body sambhdiye varsho that I gaya. -Sunil


Thank you and stay connected