Wednesday, March 12, 2014

Life Of Sr. Anita LD by Sr. Mary Dabhi

" Death is not the end of life 
but it is always an event of glorification of 
a person as well as the Creator of the person."

  Sr. Anita belonged to the 'Little Daughters of St. Francis Xavier.' Congregation.She joined the congregation in the year 1971, June 05th. She had pronounced her final profession on 08th December 1981.

 She was well known for her Handi-craft activities such as Tailoring work, Embroydary work, Drowings and, knitting. She had keen interest in learing new things, not only these but she was the extraordinary cook. those who have stayed with her in a commmunity, have really enjoyed her cooking, and they would surely remember the mouth watering dishes.

 As a person she was simple-hearted, loveble, understanding, caring, soft-spoken and helpful to everyone.She loved neatness and cleanliness in her clothings and at her work place. She was the good tailoring teacher, many years she had run the tailoring classes,under her guidance many girls and women have learnt the art of stichings, and now they are the source of generating income for their family.

 As a religious she was a devotee to Mother Mary, and had deep faith in the Holy Eucharistic celebrations.A faithful religious to her vows.e.g. Poverty, Chestity, and Obedience. She used to listened carefully, aspecilly in her apostolic activities, many women have been benefitted of her patient listening. 

 She was the first child of her parents. she was the sister of three sisters and three brothers in the family. Her native is a village called Lambhuvel, in Anand District. From the bottam of my heart I say that Sr. Anita's death is a great loss to my congregation in the work of spreading the KINGDOM OF GOD to
the needy.

At the end I say that let her Soul rest in Peace.

Please click for  Funeral Photos

Sr. Mary Dabhi L.D.
Superior General,
Little Daughters of St. Francis Xavier

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5 Add comments:

  1. R.I.P. May her soul rest in peace

  2. May her soul rest in peace

    Ramesh Macwan

  3. May her soul rest in peace

  4. her soul rest in peace

  5. May God give her eternal rest


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