Thursday, December 6, 2012

Christians must join politics to contribute to nation building

Christians must join politics to contribute to nation building: Isai Maha Sangh Bhopal: 1/12/2012:

 Isai Maha Sangh(IMS) organized its second Leadership Summit(LS) in Bhopal. It is the preparation for the forth coming 2013 Assembly Election in Madhya Pradesh. While speaking at the LS organized at Ravi Shankar Auditorium near Bitton Market in Bhopal, State President Sujit William said, “The Christians will have to join in politics to through it to extend its cooperation to build the nation in this decisive manner. The present scenario is clear that in the Hindi speaking regions Christian Socio-political leadership is very weak. We are making an effort to get more people with charismatic leadership emerge from the Christian community in this part of India.”

 The meeting is attended by around thousand delegates from Isai Maha Sangh. They are collectively discussing different programmes to infuse socio-political leadership in youth, women and men. IMS has emerged as a sole organization in the Country that has successfully motivated Christians to join sociopolitical leadership in the state.

 IMS State General Secretary Jerry Paul says that we have motivated our Christians as a community, we do not look any denominational difference, here ability of the person is very important. It is also to be noted that we are not undertaking any religious activity to collect people but motivate them for a right leadership. We also take up issues related to Christians even within the community.”

 This Leadership Summit is attended by senior leaders of all major political parties in Madhya Pradesh like Congress Party, Bhartya Janata Party, Communist Party of India, Community Party of India (Marxist), Jantadal United. The leaders have lauded the efforts of the organization to train more Christians into the political life of this country.

 Besides this LS was addressed by National Integration Council Vice Chairman Ramesh Sharma and Senior Government officials on Social leadership Conference also had secessions to address the problems of Christian Community very specially attacks from fundamental organizations. This issue was addressed by M S Sharma IPS (IG Intelligence) who is looking after the issues related to Christians in Madhya Pradesh.

 IMS is also honoring eighty six Christian leaders who are leading the leadership efforts of the organization to motivate more Christians to enter into active sociopolitical leadership. This team includes Sujit William, Jerry Paul, Sheela Santiago, John Anthony, David Francis, Marko Baba, Prem Sing Machard, Syilvester Gangle, Eric D’Cruz, Richard James, George Anthony, R D Lal, Samson Comfort, Ravi Sing, Christy Abraham etc.

 In the last Assembly Election there were eleven Christian candidates in the electoral field from various political parties and a few independents. IMS Political wing President, M S Manu, (Nation Election Officer of the Janta Dal United Party) said, we have been working in this line of leadership for very long time. We are not promoting any one political party but encouraging them to join which every political party suits them. All political parties are working to develop this country, it is the ideology that matters. We have elected members in the Assembly, Nagar Nigam, Nagar Palika Zilla Panchayath and in all democratic forums.

 The local organizing coordinators Richard James and George Anthony have said that we will set up a strong team in Bhopal, the Capital of Madhya Pradesh.
News By
Sujit Willaiam Jerry Paul, Richard James
State President General Secretary District President

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