Sunday, May 15, 2011

Sunday with e-Sermon By Fr. Nagin (Anand)

BBN team is planning to provide e-sermons with examples by using the background while the sermon is delivered. Please click the below given e-sermon for the same. Your ideas and inputs will make us better and will help us to work on the areas of improvement. The below given video is just our practice, Will be back soon with perfection on next e-sermon onwards. BBN team is working hard to deliver better.

Please click on the video

We Thank you for your prayers for our BBN correspondence Mr. Ramesh Yohakimbhai Macwan (Anand) Your comments are shared with his family. He is still in the hospital and feeling better.

5 Add comments:

  1. "Bhagwan Bhai Rameshne sajapanu bakshe aevi prarthna ane sadbhavna !"

    -Raman Makvana

  2. "i pray for his speedy recovery."

    - Smita Macwan

  3. "will pray that he may get well soon." May GOD BLESS HIM""

    -Sharda Macwan

  4. "i will pray 4 him to god....i hope god bless him and he will be gd in soon.."

    -Vicky Mulchandani


Thank you and stay connected