Wednesday, October 6, 2010

A Rally Against Plastics And Rampant Tree Cutting


The rally protesting against plastics and rampant tree cutting in Anand district, Gujarat. Was organized at Vidyanagar, Shastri Ground. It was a great experience for all those participated in it. Students from four schools and four colleges and Ankur and Snehdhara students participated for the noble cause. Exhibitions,skit,slogans made the rally effective. Komal Kantharia from the Department Of Social work released a patrika( Letter) on the dangers of plastics which was distributed to all the onlookers and shopkeepers. The rally was inaugurated by Mr. Dhaval Patel. The founder of Vidhyanagar nature Club. He inspired all the gathered students.

To take an oath promising to ban plastics from one’s life. A lot of work for the event was put by the students
Photo: Fr. Jothi Xavier S.J.

The organizers Fr. Jothi Xavier S.J. and his supportive team thanks all who had contributed to make the event effective and successful.

- Fr. Jothi Xavier S.J, (Ashadeep,Vidhyanagar)

1 Add comments:

  1. Jothi Xavier-

    Dear Vijay,

    I was very pleasantly surprised to read the news about our rally in your blog. someone told me the other day, you are able to cover most of the events happening on our church circles and reach out to those who are connected. great work. my full support to you. i thought you may drop into my office when you had come to ashadeep. great once again


Thank you and stay connected