Thursday, January 1, 2015

Mother of God - 1 January 2015

Luke 2: 16-21
José Antonio Pagola

Today Luke ends his story of the birth of Jesus by telling his readers that “Mary kept pondering all these things in her heart.” She does not preserve what happened as a memory of the past, but as an experience that she will make present and relive all through her life.  
It is not an uncalled for observation. Mary is a model of faith. According to this evangelist, to believe in Jesus, the Savior, does not mean to remember events of times past, but to relive today their saving power, to able to make our lives more humane.

Hence, Luke uses a very original literary device. Jesus does not belong to the past. He keeps repeating on purpose that the salvation of the risen Jesus is being offered to us “TODAY”, just now, whenever we encounter him. A few examples:

The birth of Jesus is announced in this way: “There is born for you today in the city of David a Savior.” Jesus can be born for us today. He can enter our lives today and change them forever. With him we can be born to a new existence.

They bring a paralyzed man to Jesus in a village of Galilee. Jesus is moved on seeing the man limited by his sin and heals him by offering him forgiveness: “Your sins are forgiven.” The people react by praising God: “TODAY we have seen wonderful things.” Today we too can experience forgiveness, the peace of God and interior joy if we let ourselves be healed by Jesus.

In the city of Jericho, Jesus stays at the house of Zachaeus, a rich and powerful tax collector. The encounter with Jesus changes him: he will return all he has stolen to everyone and will share his property with the poor. Jesus says to him: Today salvation has reached this house.” If we let Jesus enter our lives, today itself we can begin a more dignified , fraternal life in solidarity with others.

Jesus is in agony on the cross in the middle of two criminals. One of them entrusts himself to Jesus: “Jesus remember me when you come into your kingdom.” Jesus responds immediately: “Today you will be with me in paradise.”The day of our death too will be a day of salvation. Finally we will hear these words so hoped for from Jesus: Be at rest, trust me, today you will be with me forever.

Today we begin a New Year. But, what is there that can be for us something really new and good? Who will cause a new joy to be born in us? Which psychologist will teach us to be more human? Good desires wont work. What’s important is to be attentive to the best that arises in us. Salvation is offered to us every day. There is no need to wait for anything. Today itself can be for me a day of salvation.

Wishing you and your family a very Happy New Year 2015
- Vijay BBN

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