Friday, March 25, 2011

Sunday with e-sermon By Fr. Tulsi

Sunday with e-sermon in Gujarat. This Sunday is with Fr. Tulsi from Borsad.

Please click for the e-sermon-3rd Sunday of Lent

Glad to announce that Mr. Rameshbhai Yohakimbhai Parmar from Snehsagar Sco., Anand and Mr. Kantibhai Ashabhai Parmar from Shramjivi Sco, Bhumel have joined this e-ministry called BBN. Their motto is to serve God. BBN welcomes them to work for this e-ministry. May God bless them and May He send Holy spirit upon them.

BBN is thankful to Fr. Tulsi from Borsad.


A Bridge Between Christ And People.

5 Add comments:

  1. Thank you for your all sermons it is very important for oneself

  2. "thank you for reminding us for sermon. Iswar zankhna-no pratham labh mara jivan-man sara ane possitive vicharo lave chhe. Thank you, Fr.Tulsi."

    Raman Makwana

  3. very nice massage . thank you all of you for gujarati sermon

  4. FR. Tulsi, congrats for delivering the sermon. it is very nice. easy to understand and it helps me to prepare myself before going to church. here it is all in English. Thanks BBN for making at home with our Gujarati Church. through you it is possible to attain better mass and the word of God. Well done BBN team and Fr. Tulsi

  5. congratulation to your new team. Rameshbhai and Kantibhai.good work you have chosen. keep up


Thank you and stay connected